Empowering Women across Afghanistan 

Exclusive Internet Cafe Connects Afghan Women To The World

First published here.

Exclusive Internet Cafe Connects Afghan Women To The World

Exclusive Internet Cafe Connects Afghan Women To The World

By Frud Bezhan, Fareba Wahidi on Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Online

Dozens of women flock each day through the discreetly marked doors of Kabul’s Sahar Gul Cafe, Afghanistan’s first all-female Internet cafe.

Equipped with more than a dozen laptops, a library, and stocked with comfortable cushions, the modest cafe has given Afghan women the opportunity to study and socialize free from the scrutiny of men.

That’s important in a country where women continue to face enormous obstacles in securing their rights nearly 11 years after U.S.-led forces ousted the Taliban regime from Kabul.

Standing outside the cafe, Homiyra Bakhshi, project manager and a member of the Afghan activist group , which created the cafe, says it has become a refuge. Continue Reading …