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Every Woman is an Iron Lady

By Mahdi Atmar

Recently Young Women for Change Male Advocates have been writing about women who inspire them and why they want to work for gender equality. This blog post is one response to that prompt.

One of the people that inspire me is Margaret Thatcher, one of the best politicians around the world. Thatcher earned the nickname, Iron Lady. It inspired me to see a really strong woman that was running a country and showed to the world that women have the power and ability to do big things and have the ability of leadership. It’s not always the men who have the ability of leadership. She changed lot of people’s thoughts about women. Before becoming the prime minister of Britain, she was part of UK parliament as the leader of the conservative party.  I haven’t seen women like her but I am sure there are many women who are powerful like her if given a chance. She was brave, intelligent, smart, and a real politician. Continue Reading …