Empowering Women across Afghanistan 

Fundraising Henna Bandaan

Fundraising Henna Bandaan

Hello, Friend!

To celebrate Eid-ul-Fetr and to share our joy with the child laborers in Kabul city, we invite you to our office for a Henna Bandaan, a gathering where you put henna on your hand. We have talented Henna artists who will charge a small fee for making your hand absolutely gorgeous with Afghan designs. All the funds raised will be used to buy Eidy, or Eid gifts, to children who work on the streets of our city. We will distribute the gifts on the first day of Eid along with posters about child marriage, education, women’s empowerment, etc.

3:00pm, Thursday and Friday, August 16-17
YWC Office, Darlaman Road
Call us to RSVP and get the detailed address!

We hope you can make it to this fun event!

See you there!

Young Women for Change


One Response

  1. I sent a message to your e-mail address but haven’t had a reply. I’m a Canadian journalist. Want to interview someone at Young Women for Change. I’ll be in Kabul from August 28 to September 1. Can you help me to arrange an interview?
    Sally Armstrong

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